Making a Profit in the Currency Trading Market

The most important consideration in making money in the currency trading market is learning enough about the trends that you know when to buy and sell. The market is based upon buying currency when it is at the lowest price and selling when it is at the highest price, and to do that, you need to know what those fluctuations in the market are. This is especially important for new traders, but seasoned traders must continue to follow the trends in the markets in which they are trading in order to continue making a profit. Do people actually make a living as a currency trader? Yes indeed, they do. You have to remember, however, that it takes a lot of training and practice to reach the point where you are a full-time trader.

You must make the commitment to do a great deal of reading and follow the trends more precisely than you would if you were just looking to make a little bit of extra cash with a few trades during the week or month. Making a business out of currency trading is not difficult, but it does take a substantial amount of research and dedication. The trader must know what the trends her in all the markets of his interest, and he must continually keep track of those trends. Most full-time traders invest in charting software that gives them results in real time, including the exchange rate on various currencies throughout the world.

The career if financially rewarding as long as you are willing to spend at least as much time on it as you would if you were going to work in an office or other place of business daily. Dedicating oneself to mastering the trends in currency exchange rates is the key to successful currency trading ventures—without being able to spot patterns or the rise and fall of currency prices accurately, you could find yourself losing out on many money making opportunities.

The foreign currency exchange (FOREX)

The foreign currency exchange (FOREX) has become quite a popular form of investing, especially with the popularity of the Internet. Unlike securities trading, there is no need to pay a brokerage fee or have a stockbroker to handle your trading needs. For those who have never ventured into the world of investing in any of the markets because of a fear of failure, currency trading may be appealing to you. Unlike other forms of trading, currency trading doesn’t depend as much upon the way other exchanges are operating; it operates independently of the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and the others.

It does not have any connections to the DOW averages nor do the fluctuations in the securities markets affect the FOREX market. That doesn’t mean that the market is not subject to highs and lows, but it is less volatile than the securities exchange market that relies solely on the buying and selling of various securities, which in turn are linked to the profitability of the companies that are issuing the securities. The stock exchange market, especially, is very fickle and is influenced by such environmental issues as companies entering into mergers, especially unfriendly mergers, and the publicity surrounding any bad deals as was evidenced several years ago with the Enron scandal.

Currency trading, on the other hand, fluctuates because of the price of various currencies that are in use throughout the world and are in direct comparison to the strength of the United States dollar. When the United States economy is doing well, and the value of the dollar is up, other currencies are valued likewise, and the FOREX market does well. Thus, currency trading is a safer investment plan: currency trading is far less volatile than the stock exchange.
Currency trading, or the foreign currency exchange market (FOREX) involves the buying and selling of various currencies such as the U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, United Kingdom pound, Euros, and various other currency.

The key to making a profit in the FOREX market is knowing when to buy and sell currency that you own. Knowing how to do this requires following the trends for several months before you make your first trade in the FOREX market so that you are educated enough in the trends of the market to make an informed decision. The reason that it’s so important to follow the trends before you venture into trading is because of the basis of the market. Making a profit in the currency trading market involves buying currency when it is at its lowest offering and selling it at the highest. In order to know at a given time whether the current pricings are the best that are likely to be offered, you have to know what prices have been over the past several months, and sometimes even up to a year.

Although a seasoned trader may only follow the trends of the market in which he is interested, a new trader should follow all the currencies in order to see the trends and know where he should invest when he makes that first trade. Though less volatile than trading stocks and bonds, there are still risks involved if you don’t know what you are doing. Once you effectively learn how to note the rise and fall of currency trading, you can begin making money. Most currency trading is completed over the Internet: which is the reason why the popularity of the Internet and increase in the number of people using it has increased the traders in the currency trading market. The Internet offers an easy way for people to get in on currency trading opportunities and the interest in currency trading has increased because of its Internet accessibility.

Make a Stock Trade Online

This is a great article and visual for anyone who is hesitant, curious, confused, or heck really excited to make that first real money stock trade. This article will explain how to make a stock trade online, start to finish.

The Order Page

When you place a stock trade online, you fill out what is called a “trade ticket” for that order. It is a simple fill in the blank, check the boxes form, and when you finish you simply click “review order” and then place the trade.

To your left is a screen shot of that order form that I took just before starting this post. Click the image to see it large, and click it again to zoom.

This image is from TD Ameritrade where I have several accounts. They aren’t paying me for using them as the example, sadly, but you can probably find a link to their site or one of their competitors on this page somewhere.

What to Fill In

Before you place the stock trade online, there are two ways to fill out the ticket: the fast and easy way, or the fast and detailed way. Let’s look at both (refer back to the image when reading below):

Fast and Easy Way - We need to fill in if we first want to “buy” or “sell” the stock, followed by the quantity or number of shares we want to purchase, and the symbol of the stock. So let’s say we wanted to buy 100 shares of Google (GOOG), then we would check the “buy” circle, type in 100 next to “quantity” and “GOOG” next to symbol. So far so good? Next you can see that below the buy sell is the “Order Type”. To make things easy, we will want to change this to “market” which means we want to buy the stock IMMEDIATELY. I will explain the order types in a later stock education post. From there we can leave the settings unchanged (the “expiration”, “special instructions”, and “routing” fields) and click “review order”! The review order page (image further down) summarizes what we filled in and if we have enough cash to make the trade.
Fast and Detailed Way - The only difference with going detailed is that you fill in the minor details of the order. The most common is the “order type” which depending on if it is a buy or a sell it can change. This will make a great future investor education post! The other options at the bottom are moreso used when you don’t use a market order (which is the immediate fill order, or “Place this NOW”). Expiration is important if let’s say you only want to buy the stock at xxx price, but only if it hits that price today, or this week, or this month, whatever. As well you can make the order live in after hours trading. Special instructions are such like “fill or kill” and the like, again not worth explaining here. Lastly the routing is another just keep default, but what it allows you to do is to choose where you want your order sent. With “auto” set the order is sent wherever the best price is available at the time of the trade (which is actually a new SEC law less than a year old)

Placing the Order

Summarizing from above, but basically once you fill out the trade ticket, you simply click “review order” which summarizes your order and how much it estimated it will cost you to fill (see visual of 100 shares of google), and then you place the actual trade.

The whole process start to finish can take literally seconds if you are quick, and actually there are speed forms for the ultra speed where you can simple type the shares, ticker, etc. on one line and just hit enter, just make sure you don’t type in an extra 0 next to the amount.